Chevy Showdown
April 26, 2014
Home Depot Plaza, Oracle and Limberlost
Tucson, Arizona
The following photos from Van Pershing
1st Place, El Caminos
3rd Place, El Caminos
2nd Place, El Caminos
3rd Place, '58-'72 Trucks
2nd Place, '58-'72 Trucks
1st Place, '58-'72 Trucks
Display Only
Certificate of Merit, '58-'72 Trucks
Certificate of Merit, '58-'72 Trucks
1st Place, Novas
Certificate of Merit, '57 Modified
2nd Place, '57 Modified
3rd Place, '57 Modified
1st Place, '57 Modified
1st Place, '56 Modified
1st Place, '55 Modified
3rd Place, '55 Modified
2nd & Home Depot Choice, '55 Modified
2nd Place, '55 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '55 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '56 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '57 Stock Appearing
3rd Place, '57 Stock Appearing
2nd Place, '57 Stock Appearing
Certificate of Merit, '57 Stock Appearing
1st Place, Nomads
3rd Place, Nomads
Display Only
2nd Place, Nomads
2nd Place, '65-'72 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '65'72 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '58-'64 Modified
1st Place, '58-'64 Stock Appearing
1st Place, '67-'72 Camaros, Stk
2nd & Corvair Club, '67-'72 Camaros, Stk
Display Only
3rd Place, Camaros, Stk App
1st Place, '67-'72 Camaros, Mod
2nd Place, '67-'72 Camaros, Mod
3rd Place, '68-'72 Chevelle-Mod
1st Place, '68-'72 Chevelles, Stk
1st Place, '64-'67 Stock Appearing
2nd Place, '55-'57 Trucks
3rd Place, '55-57 Trucks
1st Place, '55-'57 Trucks
3rd Place, Pre-55 Stk App
2nd Place, Pre-55 Stk App
2nd Place, '73-'89 All
Cert of Merit, '73-'89 All
1st Place, '73='89 All
1st Place, '64-'67 Chevelle-Mod
1st Place, '68-'72 Chevelle-Mod
2nd Place, '68-'72 Chevelle-Mod
3rd Place, '53-'63 Corvettes
1st Place, '53-'62 Corvattes
2nd Place, '53-'62 Corvettes
2nd Place, '63-'67 Corvettes
3rd Place, '64-'64 Corvettes
1st Place, '63-'72 Corvettes
Cert of Merit, '63-'72 Corvettes
3rd Place, '73-'89 All
2nd Place, Pre-55 Modified
1st Place, Pre-55 Modified
1st & People's Choice, Pre-55 Stk App