Corvairs at Kitt Peak
September 25, 2010

It was a beautiful September day, the 25th to be exact, in southern Arizona when a few brave members of the Tucson Corvair Asscoiation left the valley floor and climbed to the 6,880-foot level of Kitt Peak where the ambient temperature was about 20 degrees cooler. Two Corvairs made the climb supported by a Corvette and a Cadillac convertible.
Ron Bloom had just picked up his Greenbrier from the paint shop and showed up to the meeting place with headlight, tail lights, grill, bumpers and a miriad of other neccessary parts and pieces, but it didn’t stop the Greenbrier from taking the trip. Van Pershing was there with the Stinger along with Steve and Susan Lubliner in their ‘86 Corvette and Jim Mills in his white Caddy.

An unequalled tour was given by Bob Moulton who works at Mount Graham and has put his time in at Kitt Peak as well. A big thank to Bob for a GREAT tour ot the facilities.


"Indiana" Moulton

Steve Lubliner, Bob Moulton, Jim Mills & Ron Bloom

The McMath-Pierce Solar Scope

Baboquivari Peak

Bob Moulton & Jim Mills

The 12-meter Radio Telescope