On March 26, 2011 a few brave TCA members braved the 70-degree weather and attended the 2011 Nam Jam Car Show, Concert and Chili Cook-Off. Ken & Heidi Farr, Ron Bloom, and Allen Elvick brought their finest Corvairs and Jerry Roethlisberger snuck in with his Chevrolet SSR roadster. There appeared to be only 75 or 80 cars at the show along with a bunch of motorcycles, but there was a nice representation of cars in attendance.

It was beautiful day for a car show at the Kino Sports Complex in Tucson, Arizona. The Corvair class first prize went to Ken and Heide Farr's '64 convertible, second place to Ron Bloom's Greenbrier and a close third to Allen Elick's '64 convertible.

Little did we know that Jerry is a real rap music fan. The DJ booth was right across from the Corvair display and Jerry was enjoying the hip hop so much that the park ranger had to come a pull him off the DJ and a half dozen of his friends!!

Photos by Van Pershing

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