Cruise to Ryan Field for Breakfast

July 16, 2011

On Saturday morning, July 16, 2011, eleven members of the Tucson Corvair Association took a casual cruise from Tucson to Ryan Field just west of Tucson on Ajo Way. Five Corvairs made the trip with 11 club members in attendance. Those in attendance were John and Amy Young, Ken and Heidi Farr, Allen and Marianne Elvick, Jim and Terry Mills, Bill Leslie, Ron Bloom, and Van Pershing.

After a great breakfast at Todd’s, John and Amy invited us to tour their hangers just a few hundred yards away. In one hanger they store their Technam P92 Echo DeLuxe and the other is used strictly for Corvair restoration and storage. A few of the photos taken appear here.

It was a great way to spend a hot July morning. An extra big thanks to John and Amy for great breakfast and even greater tour of their facilities.


The following photos by Van Pershing

The following photos by Bill Leslie